Mon 27 Jan
24/7* ___ ☆ SuPeR sExY ___ * ___ 5 sT☆R ___bLoNdE * ___ ☆aT yOuR sErViCe _24/7 - 20
(springs*IN BOUND*)
° $100 Flat Rate / $50 Specials *° °* Ebony Doll Baby *° °* Call 24/7 *° - 23
(Colorado Springs, South Colorado Springs)
50 qv Specials till 9pm ✨✨✨ HEAVEN ON EARTH 🌟🌟🌟 SEXY ✨✨✨ CLASSY 🌟🌟🌟 EAGER TO PLEASE ✨✨✨ - 26
(Colorado Springs, Incall / South Murray blvd)
☆I AiM †o Pl∈ASE 】☆_S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G ╠╣ot! ♥⚡ DaNgeRouS ⚡ ⚡ SKiLLs ⚡ Outcalls only - 22
(Colorado Springs)
((~ 100% Clean ,FuN, & InDePeNdEnT ~)) .. MILITARY .... !! in/out HOTT Specials!! - 23
(Colorado Springs, I25& everywhere)
$100 Special ** Sweet & Exotic Goddess ** Guarenteed Best! ** - 21
(Colorado Springs, Your Place or Mine)
$100 Special *-*-*It's Time to Play*-*-* Special - Special - Special - 27
(Colorado Springs, I-25 & Bijou)
DTC 720*440*3913^20 yr sexy girl needs financial help ASAP willing to make it worth ur while - 20
(Denver South, DTC)
Im B@ck for @ l!mit3d tim3 * (¯`'.¸+ I LOVE WHAT I DO(¯`'.¸AND ¸.'´¯) YOU WILLTOO! - 21
(Colorado Springs, IN or OUTCALLS)
TGIF *** Would you like to start your weekend with me? ~~Cara~~ - 22
(Colorado Springs, N Academy and I 25)
SEXY BLONDE Come Play and have Fun with Me - $80 Super Special - 28
(Colorado Springs, Incall by Dwntwn & Outcall)
* ♥* SUPER PETiTE BLoNDe !!! ------- >>> 70 $PECIAL ::: 100% ReaL Don't MiSS OuT - 23
*★*—— IM HeRe—— *★*—— !1OO%—— *★*—— Sky —— *★*—$100 Special - 22
(Colorado Springs, inoutcalls North Academy)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope, everywhere)
^~ ~^~ ╠╣ E♥ART ~^~RACING ~^~ ╠╣ OTTIES ~^~♥~^ SPECIALS - 25
$100 SPECIAL Seductive Girl Next Door SweetHeart Up Late- Your Place Or Mine - 22
(Colorado Springs, Co.Springs- In/Out)
Best Body Massage everything you want
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope, 1)
(BRAND NEW!!!!) to the Springs, a ,Role Playing Latin Beauty, Im ALL THE FUN U WILL NEED - 28
(Colorado Springs, S. Springs)
*¨¨*. ✿ .*Ts Cassie Offering 100 incall special* *¨¨*. ✿ .*¨¨* 312 612 0644 - 24
(colorado springs)
More Pics💋Ts Malania😘lets get fr3aky😈 Ts Malania!👑 9FF Top & Bottom - 18
(Colorado Springs, I25 & circle)
Explore Your Hidden Tranny Desires with Me! - 19
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope)
💣"I am what you want your rich fantasy so you die for eating Ts.jessi sexy female" - 21
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs, co)
Ts CaSsIe available for a great time.$$100 incall $50 half hour for info 719-232-4275 - 24
(colorado springs)
Passionate Seducing Provider, Im Waiting For You!
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope)
xo °o ♥ o° TWO (( ✰ P E R F E C T ➓ ✰ )) P£A¥MAT€$ °o ♥ o° xo - 21
(Colorado Springs, outcalls only)
Yeah Baby! Time to raise your spirits! I will fix all that ails you. Outcal Independent. No driver - 34
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Pueblo, Denver, DTC, Castle Rock)
▓ ▒ YoUR ▒ ♡ BIG BOOBIE ♡ ▒ FiX ▒ ▓ GREAT REVIEWS! - 30
(Colorado Springs, In North CS - Out -CS, Monument, Pueblo)
*¨¨*-:¦: ThIS *-:¦:-* GiRl*¨ ¨*-:¦: IS*-:¦:- *AmAzInG*¨¨ *-:¦: - 28
(Colorado Springs, Cs)
Xo __☆ $100 Specials *) PERFECT Sweet & SEXY BLONDE BARBIE ☆__ Xo - 20
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs....)
** YOU want to get a little NASTY!?** call me AvAiLABle NOW-- xOxO - 25
(Colorado Springs, ** cOLOraDO SPRINGS **yOuRz / MyNE)
£xOtiC, MiXED, GORGEOUS & tHiCK! they don't make them like me anymore 😍 IncAll SPECIALS! - 22
(Colorado Springs, South Incall some outcall)
💗 💗 VIP Bombshell Vixen 🔥🔥🔥 Morgan West 🔥🔥🔥 for Elite Gentlemen Only! 💗 💗 - 23
(Aurora, City of Denver, Commerce City, Denver, Englewood, Incalls & Outcalls, Lakewood)
* * * * * * * * Thick! * * * * * * * Brunette! * * * * * * Naughty! * * * * * * * Playmate! * * * * - 28
(I25 & Garden of the Gods)
Tue 21 Jan
LAST WEEK !!!!! hot sexy curvy godess with 34 JJ - 24
(Colorado Springs, i 25 garden of the gods n chestnut)
*Sexy*__ _ RotiC PlAyMAtE _ __ 100 % real _ _ aVaiL NoW 100 specials - 20
(Colorado Springs, Central Springs in/outcalls)
HOT!!! COLORADO SPRINGS ESCORT *** Sexy blonde with legs for Days *** ((( Marina ))) - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs and Surrounding Areas)
*💟* I'm BACK and BETTER than EVER*💟* BLONDE-FANTASY *💟* Perfect, REAL 36D *💟*JENNI *💟* - 35
(Colorado Springs, INCALL Sth Springs & OUTCAL upscle hotel)
█✿█✿█Shes the one they call DR. FEELGOOD! The one to make you feel good shes the one█ - 25
(Colorado Springs)
❌⭕️❌⭕️TWO GIRLS! Miss Pink & Candy'sback in town to PLAY! Let's Do It!! ❌⭕️❌⭕️ - 24
(Colorado Springs, N Academy & I25)
New Girl Specials All Nite Long The Best In The West Call Now You Wont Regret It 720-377-6993 - 23
(Colorado Springs, Colo Springs)
[×❤×] SeXY N EvERY [×❤×] WaY [×❤×] AlWaYS ReADy 2 PLaY! - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/24/INOUT)
❤️INTIMATE❤️Body to Body NUDE massage🔥🔥Naked and Hot🔥🔥💭💭Allow me to coax you into complete relaxation💭 - 24
(Colorado Springs, Upscale incall colorado springs)